Premio de Trayectoria Profesional en el Reino Unido y México


José Alejandro Madrigal Fernández

Prof. Alejandro Madrigal is a world leader in the area of Immunotherapy and stem cell transplantation, who trained a UNAM, Harvard, Stanford and UCL. He Professor of Haematology at UCL, and an Honorary Consultant at the Royal Free Hospital, UCL Cancer Institute London and has been the Founder and First Scientific Director of the Anthony Nolan Research Institute United Kingdom. His research, reflected in more than 500 articles, in journals such as Nature, Nature Genetics, Lancet, J.Exp.Med, PNAS (cited 13,317 times, h-index 61) He has given more than 580 conferences in more than 58 countries and 243 cities and has trained more than one hundred doctors and scientists. where he has also been Vice Provost for the America and his tireless work has helped create donor registries and Umbilical Cord Banks around the world. He has received the Gold Medal from in UK. He also has received memberships from prestigious Academies in Mexico, Spain, Latin America, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. For his achievements he has received three honoris Causa. And was elected President of the European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Society.

Elena Rodríguez Falcón

Previously, after short of a decade in the industry in Mexico, Professor Elena Rodriguez-Falcon moved to the UK where she founded the University of Sheffield Enterprise (USE); was Institutional Director of Learning – Inclusive Learning and Teaching; Director of Enterprise Education and Director of Women in Engineering, going on to become Director of Communications and External Relations for Engineering at The University of Sheffield, whilst holding a Chair in Enterprise and Engineering Education. 

In 2018 Elena moved away from Sheffield becoming President & CEO of NMITE. Now heading up the most ambitious and radical disruptor in engineering higher education in the UK

Julio Frías Peña

Julio Frías Peña, is President of the Premio Nacional de Diseño: Diseña México (formerly the award Quorum), and founding member of the Mexican Council of Design. He has been a guest member of the Intersectoral Committee for Innovation of the Federal Government and Coordinator of the Postgraduate in Arts and Design from UNAM, an institution where he completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Communication.

He obtained his doctorate in the area of ​​innovation from the Business School of the University of Nottingham, UK, his doctoral thesis was selected for the competition of the best UK PhD thesis. After his doctorate he received a scholarship from the Sloan School of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT. At Cambridge University he studied the topic of innovation in products and services as well. He completed a Master’s in Design at the Tama Art University in Japan, and performed a research internship at the University of Tokyo Art and Design. In 2015 he was recognized for a research internship at the Design Centre at Stanford University

In the professional field, he is a member of the Ibero-American Network of Researchers in Design, with headquarters in Madrid, member of the Scientific Committee of the International Society of Design Historians based in Barcelona and member of the International Learning Network on Sustainability with headquarters in Milan, Italy. He has been a member of the Japanese Graphic Designers Association, JAGDA, of the Institute of Design Management in Boston, and Vice President of the Association of Former Mexican fellows in Japan, where he was in charge of the education and research area.

He is currently a member of the National System of Researchers SIstema Nacional de Investogadores, SNI of CONACYT. He has given conferences in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, England and Japan. He has three published books, twelve book chapters and more than fifty refereed, indexed and popular articles.

At UNAM he has been a teacher and tutor for more than 25 years, 15 of these being at the postgraduate level in the Master’s and Ph.D. programs in Architecture, Industrial Design, Arts and Design, and the Master in Product Design and Development from Tecnológico de Monterrey, the institution where he was several times recognized as one of the best professors in the engineering division, architecture and design.

Ana Elena González Treviño

Ana Elena González-Treviño is Full professor and researcher in English Literature (Titular “C”) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has a B.A. in English, an M.A. in Comparative Literature from UNAM, and a PhD in English from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London. She has specialized in literary and cultural studies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, cultural history, translation and literary criticism. She has published forty academic articles and book chapters. She has coordinated four collective books of literary and translation studies, and a book as sole author. She has directed and taken part in several research projects funded by PAPIIT-DGAPA. She directs a digital humanities project, Imaginary Mexico based on imagology about the representation of Mexico in seventeenth and eighteenth-century print culture. She has supervised 39 BA, MA and PhD dissertations; she has and take part in 89 BA, 25 MA and 12 PhD adjudicating committees. She is a member of the Critical Theory Seminar and the Digital Humanities Seminar. She has published a book of original poetry. She is a member of the National Research System, SNI. She was head of the Modern Languages Department and is the director of the Centre for Mexican Studies, UNAM-UK.

Salvador Elías Venegas Andraca

Fundador de la MexSocUK

Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca is a scientist, consultant and entrepreneur devoted to scientific research, technology development, technology transfer and teaching. Professor Venegas-Andraca’s main professional goal is twofold: 1) to discover fundamental relationships between computer science and physics, and 2) to contribute towards the economic and development of modern society based on science, technology and technology transfer.

Lidia A. García González

Doctora en Comunicación y Estudios Culturales por la Nottingham Trent University, en el Reino Unido. Maestra en Medios y Globalización por la Nottingham Trent University, en el Reino Unido. Maestra en Comunicación de la Ciencia y la Cultura con especialidad en Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO), Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, México. Licenciada en Comunicación por la Universidad Iberoamericana Campus León, México. Certificada en Lengua Inglesa por The City and Guilds of London Institute, en el Reino Unido. Diplomada en idioma inglés por la Universidad de Guanajuato, México.

En el 2015, ganó el XVIII Premio Nacional de Comunicación “José Pagés Llergo”, México. De 2017 al 2018, fue la Coordinadora de la Maestría en Comunicación y Cultura Digital, Posgrado Nacional de Programas de Calidad (PNPC), CONACyT, en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México. De 2017 al 2019, en la misma universidad, fue profesora-investigadora dentro de la Maestría en Comunicación y Cultura Digital y la Licenciatura de Comunicación y Periodismo.

Colaboró en la creación del Doctorado de Ciencias Sociales, Complejidad e Interdisciplinariedad, en el Departamento de Investigación y Posgrado, en la Universidad Iberoamericana Campus León, México. Es miembro de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores en Comunicación (AMIC) y de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores en la Comunicación (ALAIC). Actualmente, realiza una estancia posdoctoral en la Maestría de Análisis Político, Posgrado Nacional de Programas de Calidad (PNPC), CONACyT, del Departamento de Estudios Políticos y Gobierno, adscrito a la División de Derecho, Política y Gobierno de la Universidad de Guanajuato, México, sobre “Movimientos feministas en México: Nuevos espacios y prácticas comunicativas del activismo en redes sociales de Internet”. Desde hace 16 años su área de especialización es: Cultura Digital, Movimientos Sociales e Internet.  Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), CONACyT, México. 

Ernesto Schwartz Marin

I am a Science and Technology Studies scholar working in the fields of biomedicine, forensics and citizen science. I conduct in-depth ethnographic research of race & genomics and develop participatory action research models to intervene in humanitarian crises via DNA biobanking, grass-roots databases, and citizen-led science.

I am currently developing research on data justice, citizen-sensing and alternative approaches to scientific innovation in the Global South in spaces like Mexico, Colombia and Indonesia. My current research projects are Mobile Solutions Against the Mexican Kidnapping Epidemic (Newton Fund-ESRC 2016-19) and Data Justice in Mexico’s Multiveillant Society (ESRC Transformative 2018-20). My research has attracted vast public attention since Mexicans are currently dealing with more than 61,000 disappearances (according to the Mexican government) in a context characterised by the complicity of authorities and organised crime.

Eduardo Estala Rojas

Fundador y Director General del Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC).

Eduardo Estala Rojas es editor, escritor, periodista y consejero cultural mexicano. Director fundador del Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC), en el Reino Unido. Por su trabajo diplomático en los Estados Unidos, en el Reino Unido y en Europa, ha recibido reconocimientos en México de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), de la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID), de la Embajada de México en el Reino Unido, así como del Simposio de Estudios y Estudiantes Mexicanos en el Reino Unido. En el 2020, ganó el Ambassador Award”, otorgado por la organización global She Inspires Me Awards” (SIMA), en Londres, Inglaterra, “por su apoyo a los derechos de las mujeres y por el trabajo diplomático que realiza en la promoción de México en el Reino Unido”. Recibió la “Presea General Emiliano Zapata Salazar” al Mérito Migrante 2020, en la categoría Mérito Cultural y Educativo, que otorga el Congreso del Estado de Morelos, México.

Parte de su obra literaria y periodística ha sido traducida a varias lenguas: inglés, francés, portugués, alemán y árabe. En el 2014, coordinó y publicó el libro: The Mexican Cultural Centre: 15 voces de la cultura mexicana, México-Estados Unidos-Reino Unido” (Reino Unido). En el 2015, como editor publicó el libro: “Lord Acton, surgimiento y caída del Imperio Mexicano”, presentación, traducción y notas de Adolfo Castañón (Reino Unido-México). Su obra literaria y periodística ha sido incluida y publicada en los libros: “Antología del Equinoccio” (México, 2007); “Adicción a los bajos efectos de la creación artística” (México, 2011); “Con-versatorias: entrevistas a poetas mexicanos nacidos en los 50” (México, 2013); “Estaciones bajo el volcán. Antología de la reciente poesía morelense” (México, 2013). “Artistario. Libro de la comunidad. Reunión 2016. Tomo I. Catálogo de artistas, promotores culturales y analistas de las artes en Morelos, México”, 2016.

El Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC) es el primer centro virtual sin fines de lucro, registrado en el Reino Unido, que promueve y difunde la cultura mexicana, en colaboración internacional con proyectos académicos, culturales y artísticos.