Author: Mexican Society UK
Convocatoria de elección de Presidencia y parte del Comité Ejecutivo 2021
UncategorizedCon fundamento en la Constitución de la Sociedad de Estudiantes Mexicanos en el Reino Unido, se convoca a la Elección para la designación de las siguientes posiciones:
- Presidencia;
- Tesorería;
- Coordinación del Simposio Anual;
- Coordinación Deportiva;
- Oficialía de Egresados y Posdoctorantes.
- Primera: Con excepción de la Oficialía, son requisitos indispensables:
- Ser estudiante mexicana(o) afiliado a una Institución de Educación Superior del Reino Unido durante el periodo 2021-2022.
- En el caso de la Presidencia, no haber ocupado dicho puesto, ser mujer, y en el caso de los demás puestos, no haberlos ocupado por más de dos años, ya sea en la mismo o diferente puesto.
- No ser estudiante de una universidad la cual ya tenga un estudiante en Comité Ejecutivo, en este caso las universidades Durham, Sussex y Bristol.
- Segunda: En la Oficialía se podrá presentar una egresada(o) mexicano de la una Institución de Educación Superior del Reino Unido, no importando si reside en el Reino Unido u otro país.
- Tercera: Se podrán presentar candidaturas en lo individual o en planilla. Para presentar una planilla, se deberán seguir las siguientes reglas:
- La planilla deberá presentar al menos la mitad de sus integrantes mujeres.
- Todas las personas integrantes deberán cumplir con el numeral 1 de esta convocatoria.
- Cuarta: Tanto las candidaturas individuales como las planillas deberán presentar una versión actualizada de su currículo (máximo dos páginas) y un programa de trabajo (máximo dos páginas por persona).
- Quinta: Las personas que postulen a la Coordinación del Simposio Anual y a la Coordinación Deportiva deberán presentar un plan de trabajo para llevar a cabo el Simposio Anual de Estudiantes Mexicanos en el Reino Unido y un Campeonato Deportivo en el Reino Unido, respectivamente. Dicho plan deberá contener como mínimo:
- Fechas tentativas de realización;
- Plan de financiamiento;
- Sede y modalidades de organización;
- Equipo de trabajo y apoyos institucionales.
- Sexta: Todas las candidaturas deberán ser presentadas desde el día de la publicación de la convocatoria hasta el 28 de agosto de 2021 al correo electrónico:
- Séptima: En caso de que no se presenten propuestas a la presidencia de una persona mujer en la fecha indicada en el numeral anterior, se emitirá una segunda convocatoria para los puestos faltantes, sin importar el género de la persona, y se recibirán candidaturas hasta el 4 de septiembre de 2021 al mismo correo electrónico.
- Octava: Después de validar los requisitos del numeral 1, 4, y 5 de esta convocatoria, las candidaturas individuales y planillas serán convocadas a reunión del Consejo de la MexSocUK para presentar sus proyectos en un máximo de 5 minutos por persona.
- Novena: El Consejo podrá designar personas diferentes a las planteadas en una planilla hasta completar todos los puestos vacantes.
- Decima: Las personas electas tomarán sus encargos a partir de septiembre y los integrantes del Comité Ejecutivo saliente harán el proceso de entrega recepción.
- Onceava: Lo no previsto en esta convocatoria será resuelto por el Consejo de la MexSocUK.
El Consejo de la Sociedad de Estudiantes Mexicanos en el Reino Unido
Dado en la Embajada de México en el Reino Unido, el 12 de agosto de 2020
Press-ReleasesAl Presidente López Obrador
Al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
A la Cámara de Diputados
Las personas que suscribimos, estudiantes mexicanos becados en el extranjero, estamos en la incertidumbre. A 42 de nuestros compañeros, quienes nunca pensaron en la desaparición de los fideicomisos cuando firmaron sus contratos con la Secretaría de Energía, han sido abandonados. No tendrán dinero para finalizar sus tesis porque desaparecieron los fondos, y ellos nunca previeron que una pandemia cerraría sus laboratorios y talleres. Ellas y ellos fueron enviados por su gobierno a estudiar soluciones para la crisis climática. Y hoy su mismo gobierno no les da ninguna solución.
Desgraciadamente, los demás podríamos unirnos a esta lista en breve. El Programa de Becas del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) ha sido modificado en perjuicio de las personas jóvenes que desean aprender ciencia para México y la humanidad. Se han cancelado las maestrías, los cambios de grado, y se ha eliminado cualquier financiamiento para posgrados en el extranjero en energía, ingenierías, matemáticas y física. Estamos temiendo lo peor: como nuestros colegas Conacyt – Sener, en estos meses no tuvimos acceso a laboratorios, talleres, bibliotecas y trabajo de campo por la pandemia. También estamos retrasados. No queremos abandonar nuestro compromiso con México para terminar nuestros estudios, pero tememos que México nos va a abandonar a nuestra suerte.
Hay un estigma injusto para nosotros. No somos privilegiados. Necesitamos de apoyo público para seguir nuestra vocación por la ciencia, la cual está al servicio de México y el mundo. Las vacunas para COVID-19 son una clara demostración del servicio que la ciencia hace a todos los pueblos del mundo. Si el Gobierno de México nos deja abandonados, incluso incurriremos en deudas impagables que ni nosotros ni nuestras familias podemos afrontar en una crisis económica global.
No estamos pidiendo nada que la Cámara de Diputados y los reglamentos no nos permitan. Estamos pidiendo que nos otorguen las extensiones a todos por razones de fuerza mayor por la pandemia de COVID-19, y que se proteja al programa de Becas de Posgrado ante los cambios injustificados que ha hecho Conacyt, sin consulta alguna a quienes actualmente son becarios vigentes. Eso es dinero público que el Presidente y la Cámara de Diputados aprobaron para la ciencia y sus jóvenes.
Pedimos diálogo público para solucionar todos estos problemas de manera ordenada y constructiva. No nos interesa ser oposición alguna. Solo queremos acabar nuestras tesis.
Firman esta carta
La Sociedad de Estudiantes Mexicanos en el Reino Unido
68 becarios Conacyt
44 egresados con Becas Conacyt del Reino Unido
14 egresados de Conacyt y otras becas en el extranjero
8 egresados de Becas Chevening
Y 264 mexicanas y mexicanos solidarios con nuestras demandas
Austerity cuts leave stranded Mexican PhD students in climate change and other areas
Press-Releases- Due to recent austerity cuts, the Mexican Government is leaving its Mexican students stranded in the UK and other countries.
- Mexican PhD students with special scholarships for climate change and energy programmes will not receive a living stipend to finish their thesis.
- New unexplained cuts by Conacyt to the Scholarship Program have been found even when Mexican Congress has approved the same budget as previous years.
The Mexican Government decided late June 30th eliminate public funds dedicated to science, climate change, energy, and disaster relief. The special funds for climate change and energy of the Secretariat of Energy (Sener) funded PhD students’ life stipends and fees in climate change and energy efficiency.
The students stopped their projects because of the closure of university facilities during COVID-19 lockdowns in the UK. This situation has left 42 PhD Students without a life stipend to continue their research in the UK. Although the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) and Sener promised these students a solution to grant them a year to finish their research projects, the Mexican Government has not given any solution to date.
MexSocUK has reported that every Mexican PhD student in the UK has been delayed from doing crucial lab or fieldwork because of the COVID.-19 restrictions. By not granting enough funding, their projects are at risk of being unfinished. However, Conacyt PhD students have requested funds to finish their projects due to COVID-19 restrictions to laboratories and other university facilities. Conacyt has recently informed them that their request was “under review of budget availability”.
As shown in public information websites of the Mexican Government (graphs attached), the Mexican Congress has authorised enough budget, the same as previous years, to grant funding for PhD students abroad. However, they have assigned fewer scholarships since 2019. How can the Mexican Government argue budget scarcity when the same budget has been approved and fewer scholarships granted?
MexSocUK calls the Mexican Government to guarantee PhD Mexican Students abroad enough funding to finish their projects. They compromised to complete their programs with Conacyt since they enrolled in the public program and insisted that COVID-19 restrictions were unforeseeable and out of their control. Also, MexSocUK calls for attention to revise the current management for the Program of Postgraduate Scholarships. Conacyt has modified and cut several opportunities for young Mexican scholars. Notably, the cancellation of abroad master scholarships, changes from masters to PhD students already admitted in PhD programmes. Also, Conacyt erased many scientific fields to apply for PhD funding and public calls for grants. Remarkably, in areas such as climate science, math, engineering, computing, and economics. Mexican PhD Students have called for a solution since last year with no apparent explanation.
Recortes injustificados dejan abandonados a estudiantes mexicanos de doctorado en cambio climático y otras áreas
Press-Releases- Debido a la reciente desaparición de fideicomisos públicos, el Gobierno de México está dejando a sus becarios Conacyt-Sener en Reino Unido y otros países sin fondos para subsistir.
- Becarios de Doctorado mexicanos en temas como cambio climático y eficiencia energética no recibirán becas para terminar sus proyectos atrasados por las restricciones de la pandemia.
- Conacyt ha cambiado y recortado, sin explicación alguna, partes importantes del Programa Nacional de Becas de Posgrado al Extranjero, aún cuando la Cámara de Diputados ha aprobado el mismo presupuesto que en años pasados.
Después de la eliminación de fideicomisos públicos en ciencia, tecnología, cambio climático, energías renovables y para atender desastres naturales, estudiantes mexicanos que eran financiados con los fideicomisos de la Secretaría de Energía (Sener) han sido dejados sin recursos para extender su financiamiento por razones de fuerza mayor por un año debido a que las restricciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 los dejaron sin acceso a laboratorios y recursos para terminar sus investigaciones.
A pesar de diversas comunicaciones de los estudiantes a las autoridades de Sener y el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt), dependencias que prometieron solucionar el problema, los estudiantes fueron notificados que no hay fondos para otorgarles una extensión por un año. En particular, esto afecta a 42 estudiantes mexicanos en el Reino Unido los cuales no pudieron hacer investigación porque los laboratorios y otros espacios de investigación fueron cerrados por la pandemia.
MexSocUK, organización que representa a los estudiantes mexicanos de posgrado en Reino Unido, informó a las autoridades desde mediados de 2020 que todos los estudiantes de posgrado estaban retrasados con sus proyectos de investigación debido a las restricciones al trabajo de campo, talleres y laboratorios por la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, ante la solicitud de extensiones por un año extra de financiamiento para terminar sus tesis, Conacyt recientemente les informó que sus solicitudes “estaban bajo revisión de suficiencia presupuestal”.
Sin embargo, MexSocUK cuestiona que no haya suficiencia presupuestaria. Como se puede observar de la información en portales públicos del gobierno (gráficas adjuntas), la Cámara de Diputados ha aprobado el mismo presupuesto anual al Conacyt que en años previos para estudiantes de posgrado en el extranjero. Sin embargo, como se puede revisar en los padrones de becarios Conacyt, menos becas han sido asignadas. ¿Cómo puede haber insuficiencia presupuestaria si se han otorgado menos becas?
MexSocUK ha llamado al Gobierno de México a garantizar fondos para los estudiantes de posgrado al extranjero para terminar sus proyectos. Igualmente, urge a que el programa no desaparezca o tenga reducciones por cambios presupuestales injustificados. Los estudiantes mexicanos en el Reino Unido mantienen su compromiso de terminar sus proyectos y grados en favor de México y la humanidad, pero insisten que no pudieron prever que una pandemia iba a restringirles acceso a laboratorios o trabajo de campo.
Igualmente, la MexSocUK está preocupada por diversos cambios injustificados al Programa Nacional de Becas al Extranjero que afectan a las futuras generaciones de científicos mexicanos. En particular, la cancelación de los programas de maestría, los cambios de grado para estudiantes aceptados en doctorados, y la cancelación de áreas del conocimiento fundamentales de las convocatorias de Conacyt en temas cruciales como ciencias climáticas, ingenierías, matemáticas, física, computación, y economía, sin mayor explicación.
Winners Carlos Fuentes Prize 2019 – 2021
Azucena Garcia Gutierrez
Winner for Arts and Humanities
Applied Linguistics and Communication
Chevening Scholar (2019-2020)
Birkbeck, University of London.
Being a single mother at an early age while she was a student, Azucena Garcia Gutierrez actively demonstrated her determination, persistence and passion for becoming an outstanding professional from the beginning of her educational pathway. Originally from Toluca, State of Mexico, Azucena has been passionately paving her academic trajectory towards the teaching field, in conjunction with the world of languages, for the last ten years. Most importantly, she has shown a significant interest in contributing positively to improving education in her community through her leadership, innovation and commitment.
Graduated from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMex), she thoroughly participated in a joint project to design a language syllabus tailored to particularly fulfil the education needs of an elementary school in her hometown. The project “Design, Development and Creation of the Workbook, Teacher’s Guide and Study Program based on The Competency Method, for Elementary School Children” symbolized a remarkable cornerstone to improve foreign language education in a particular context.
Not only has she been a substantial educator in Mexico, but she also became a distinguished representative of Mexico in globally acknowledged British schools through the sponsorship of the British Council. One of her most noteworthy contributions that illustrated her innovation and leadership abilities was her role as a material designer at the Education Office-Spanish Embassy in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Her voluntarily participation in the joint series “Like Water for Chocolate. A guide for A-levels” signalled her fervent desire to foster Mexican literature at British academic institutions. Therefore, her experience abroad strengthened her sensitivity to culture by being immersed in an international environment. Unequivocally, it influenced her understanding in regards to the Mexican education system, its particular characteristics and conditions.
Furthermore, Azucena was granted the Chevening Scholarship (2019-2020) to undertake a master’s degree in the United Kingdom. She undeniably denoted to be a worthy future leader in her professional field to improve the connections and development between Mexico and the United Kingdom. Hence, she has recently culminated her MA. in Applied Linguistics and Communication at Birkbeck, University of London. Her passion for languages and specific areas of expertise such as Critical Discourse Analysis has been the key to excel admirably in academia and research. Due to the high quality of research that she conducted, she was awarded a Michel Blanc Prize for the best-written dissertation at Birkbeck, her alma mater. Through her dissertation “The Construction of National Identity through the issue of immigration by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). A Discourse-Historical Approach”, she addresses a heated topic such as immigration in a succinctly linguistic analysis of political speeches by the current president AMLO. Her research has provided a better insight into how representations of national identity are created, reproduced and changed by political figures in the attempt to fulfil political purposes. It seems clear that her analysis has shed light on a better understanding of the Mexican socio-political context. Additionally, it is discussed to what extent immigration has heretofore become a hot topic against minorities from the perspective of two nations such as Mexico and The United States. Undoubtedly, her former project has been one of the most significant attainments that have motivated her to pursue her academic and professional growth.
Oriana Landa Cansigno
Winner for Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering
Environmental Engineering PhD
University College London
Conacyt Scholarship
Dr Oriana Landa graduated with a PhD in civil and environmental engineering from University College London in 2020. She studied for a bachelor degree in environmental engineering at the University of Veracruz and a Master’s degree in the same discipline from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her PhD thesis analysed some water management scenarios from a comprehensive perspective of water, energy, climate change and pollution nexus. Results provided information to water utilities to save drinking water, promote decentralisation and increase the efficiency of the urban water sector in a real case study in Guanajuato, Mexico. Due to her outstanding contribution to creating effective management policies and addressing local problems with global perspectives, her research work obtained the Sustainable Research Award given by University College London in 2020.
During her studies in the UK, she was a teaching assistant in the life cycle analysis and project engineering courses at the undergraduate and masters’ levels. She was a promoter of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics program for teenagers at UCL, where she worked in logistics of events such as women in engineering day and the London leaders award. She was a co-founder of the water research student group at University College London, a group aimed at networking and promote interdisciplinary research in water topics. She also volunteered as an organiser of meetings at the “London Language exchange group”, where she promoted the Spanish language and culture of her country among English and Spanish native speakers in London. In addition, she has helped some of her Mexican peers who contacted her directly through social networks in extenuating circumstances.
After her graduation, Dr Oriana returned to Mexico and joined CIATEC, a research centre in Guanajuato. In 2020, she led a project in one of the most polluted basins in the country, defining a solutions’ portfolio in relation to sanitation and restoration of the river, territory and risks. This project allowed her to work with the rural stakeholders affected by the Turbio River pollution, with municipalities, state government and with her fellow researchers to propose solutions from the technical, political and environmental points of view.

Cecilia Landa-Avila
Winner for Chemical, Biological, and Medical Sciences
PhD in Healthcare Systems Design
Loughborough University
Cecilia Landa-Avila is a Doctoral Researcher and a Research Assistant in Healthcare Systems Design/Human at Loughborough University. She is the co-founder and Academic Director of RELAESA, a Latin American network of Ergonomics and Human Factors in Healthcare Systems.
Cecilia’s interest is in integrating systems thinking, ergonomics/human factors, participatory design and policymaking in healthcare systems design. Her doctoral research focused on the interactions of multiple outcomes and values of healthcare to drive a participatory systems approach. Thanks to this research, she has developed a method that could be highly beneficial in prioritising what matters the most for different stakeholders and assisting policymaking in healthcare. Cecilia has presented her work in various international conferences these years, such as DRS, IEA, RSD and ODAM-CIEHF, and published her work in conference and journal papers. Thanks to these achievements, she has been awarded the best PhD student in 2020 at Loughborough Design School.
In November 2019, she co-founded RELAESA, which aims to improve patient safety and wellbeing by collaborating with academics and healthcare providers. As part of RELAESA, she organised a symposium at IEA2021 (triannual ergonomics conference) that highlights the region’s relevant research. Also, she is co-editing a Special Issue, “EID (Ergonomics, Research and Development)”, with the papers from the symposium.
In addition, she has collaborated with the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) in the UK to generate a Spanish version of the vaccination guidance to support the rollout in Mexico. Just two weeks ago, the network RELAESA was “highly commended” for the president’s award of the CIEHF for significant contributions to research and application of knowledge in ergonomics.
In late months, she has started a part-time role as a Research Assistant in the IMMUNE project, which aims to explore the use of COVID-19 immunity passports as a UK’s strategy to exit the lockdown restrictions safely. This is very topical research that will be presented to healthcare organisations for policymaking. Also, she has previously collaborated on “Powering Productivity”, an ESRC funded project (Loughborough University and the University of Surrey) that mapped the links between energy, wellbeing and productivity.
Besides her academic development, she has been a PhD lead representative (2018-2020) to improve the PhD experience. As part of this role, she organised the Loughborough Design conference and edited the proceedings. This work was awarded the “Best PhD representative award” and shortlisted for the Best academic Team. For the last three years, she has been a teaching assistant and supervises Major Projects of postgraduate students.
Before joining Loughborough University, Cecilia was a full-time Assistant Professor at Universidad Panamericana in Guadalajara, where she researched assistive technologies for children with learning disabilities. Prior, Cecilia has worked as a user experience researcher for tech companies and the Mexican government.
Omar Loera
Winner for Social Sciences
PhD in Political Science
University of Edinburgh
Conacyt Scholar
Omar is studying. His research concerns Mexican foreign policy in the areas of humans rights, the United Nations, and Latin America, from the 1990s or so until 2018. His research is now complete and he will defend in the next few weeks. I have no doubt it will be a successful defense, as the research is very strong.
In addition to his academic activities, Omar has been recognised for his involvement in his community in Chihuahua. He received the youth award of Chihuahua City and the state of Chihuahua for his involvement as a volunteer in a community kitchen during the time he was in Mexico carrying out his thesis fieldwork. During his time in Mexico, he also organised and delivered workshops and seminars on research methods to postgraduate students of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Omar also attended several conferences in Mexico on scientific research and International Relations throughout his PhD.
In Edinburgh, Omar has been engaged with events and research activities that highlight his links to Mexico. He was invited to participate as a panellist at the Latin American Forum organised by the Edinburgh Latin American Forum. In this forum, Omar discussed the overall state of corruption in Mexico and its repercussions in society. Omar also gave a talk on the state of violent crime in Mexico to the University of Edinburgh International Development Society, and was interviewed by Sputnik News about the ongoing trade negotiations that were taking place between Mexico, the US, and Canada at the time.
Omar has also been involved in researching the experiences of returning Mexican and stranded Central American Youth in Mexico. He co-authored an article on the subject that was published in the Journal of Intercultural Education. Omar has presented his research findings on this and on his thesis in congresses such as the Annual Conference of the European International Studies Association.
Omar has also been the lead convenor of the Foreign Policy Analysis Research Group at the University of Edinburgh for the last two years, where he organised meetings to provide feedback to fellow members on their ongoing research. He is also currently a tutor for a course in comparative politics in a globalised world.
In 2020, Omar was elected as the postgraduate representative for the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh, representing the needs of 1,200 master and PhD students. He has worked to ensure that students receive adequate mental health support, protection mechanisms for students in minority groups, and has also worked to reform the representation and governability mechanisms inside the School of Social and Political Science with the help of the School administration. For this work, Omar was recently given the Edinburgh Award for Student Leadership.

Honorific Mentions in STEM

Damian Arellanes
PhD in Computer Science
University of Manchester
Conacyt Scholar
Damian Arellanes was born in Mexico City, Mexico, in November 1989. He is currently a full-time Researcher and Lecturer in Computer Science at Lancaster University, UK, and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Before this, he was a Research Associate in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manchester, UK,
where he received a PhD in Computer Science in 2020. He also holds an MSc in Computer Science and a BEng in Computer Systems, both from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Mexico. He completed his MSc in 2014 with a full CONACyT scholarship at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN). Before coming to the UK, his master’s thesis won a nationwide prize for the Best MSc Thesis in Artificial Intelligence, which was awarded by the Mexican Society of Artificial Intelligence in 2015.
Damian completed his PhD with a full CONACyT scholarship and two complementary studentships from the Mexican Secretariat of Public Education. During his PhD studies, he received a number of research and innovation awards, including the Best Paper Award at the 2018 International Conference on Internet of Things (by Springer and the Services Society), the 2019 Nick Sanders Kickstarter Fund (by Masood Entrepreneurship Centre), the second prize in the 2019 Next Big Thing competition (Manchester, UK) and an award for outstanding doctoral paper in Computer Science in 2019 (by The University of Manchester).
To date, Damian has supervised six masters theses and three undergraduate students in the UK. In terms of research output, he has first-authored over ten peer-reviewed scientific papers, which have been published in reputable international venues such as the Future Generation Computer Systems Journal and the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing. His core research focuses on the area of software foundations for distributed systems and, more specifically, on theoretical models of computation for autonomous cyber-physical systems. He has served as a technical reviewer in numerous internationally leading conferences and reputable high-impact journals, including IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, the Springer Journal of Grid Computing, the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, the International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software, the International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, the IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, and the International Conference on Concurrency Theory.
Carlos Alberto Gómez Moreno
PhD in Manufacturing Engineering
University of Nottingham
Carlos Alberto Gómez Moreno is in the final stage of his PhD in Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Nottingham. His research focuses on new applications for coherence scanning interferometry in additive manufacturing. Carlos obtained a BSc in Mechatronics Engineering and an MEng in Industrial Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Carlos believes strongly that science, engineering, technology and education can contribute positively to society as a whole through its transformative potential. Carlos’ research is highly relevant to the manufacturing and scientific communities worldwide, as the accurate measurement is the basis of quality control and is essential to allow
the optimisation of manufacturing processes. During his PhD time, Carlos has published 4 journal papers, having 114 citations (Google Scholar, h-index: 5, i10-index: 3) and 4,127 reads (ResearchGate) to date. Carlos has also published 5 conference papers, presenting his works in leading international conferences in surface metrology and advanced
List of most relevant peer-reviewed publications:
- Gomez, C., Campanelli, C., Su, R., Leach, R. 2020. Surface-process correlation for an ink-jet printed transparent fluoroplastic. Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop. 8, 034002.
- Gomez, C., Su, R., de Groot, P., Leach, R. 2020. Noise reduction in coherence scanning interferometry for surface topography measurement. Nanomanuf. Metrol. 3, 68–76.
- Newton, L., Senin, N., Gomez, C., Danzl, R., Helmli, F., Blunt, L., Leach, R. 2019. Areal topography measurement of metal additive surfaces using focus variation microscopy. Addit. Manuf. 25, 365-389.
- Gomez, C., Su, R., Thompson, A., DiSciacca, J., Lawes, S., Leach, R. 2017. Optimization of surface measurement for metal additive manufacturing using coherence scanning interferometry. Opt. Eng. 56(11), 111714.
List of conference papers:
- Gomez, C., Su, R., Lawes, S., Leach, R. 2019. Comparison of two noise reduction methods in coherence scanning interferometry for surface measurement. Presented in the 14th International Symposium of Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2019), Niigata, Japan, September 1st – 4th.
- Gomez, C., Campanelli, C., Su, R., Lawes, S., Leach, R. 2019. Characterisation of the surface topography evolution of an ink-jet printed transparent fluoroplastic with coherence scanning interferometry. Presented in the 22nd Conference on Metrology and Properties of Surfaces (Met&Props 2019), Lyon, France, July 3rd – 5th.
- DiSciacca, J., Gomez, C., Thompson, A., Lawes, S., Leach, R., Colonna de Lega, X., de Groot, P. 2017. True-colour 3D surface metrology for additive manufacturing using interference microscopy. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group Meeting between euspen and ASPE on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive
Manufacturing, Leuven, Belgium, October 10th – 12th. - Gomez, C., Su, R., Thompson, A., DiSciacca, J., Lawes, S., Leach, R. 2017. Optimisation of surface topography characterisation for metal additive manufacturing using coherence scanning interferometry. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group Meeting between euspen and ASPE on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, Leuven, Belgium, October 10th – 12th.
- Gomez, C., Su, R., Thompson, A., DiSciacca, J., Lawes, S., Leach, R. 2017. Coherence scanning interferometry for metal additive manufacturing. Presented in the 16th Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces (Met & Props 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, June 26th – 29th.
Premio de Trayectoria Profesional en el Reino Unido y México
Prize-Winners-ProfilesJosé Alejandro Madrigal Fernández
Prof. Alejandro Madrigal is a world leader in the area of Immunotherapy and stem cell transplantation, who trained a UNAM, Harvard, Stanford and UCL. He Professor of Haematology at UCL, and an Honorary Consultant at the Royal Free Hospital, UCL Cancer Institute London and has been the Founder and First Scientific Director of the Anthony Nolan Research Institute United Kingdom. His research, reflected in more than 500 articles, in journals such as Nature, Nature Genetics, Lancet, J.Exp.Med, PNAS (cited 13,317 times, h-index 61) He has given more than 580 conferences in more than 58 countries and 243 cities and has trained more than one hundred doctors and scientists. where he has also been Vice Provost for the America and his tireless work has helped create donor registries and Umbilical Cord Banks around the world. He has received the Gold Medal from in UK. He also has received memberships from prestigious Academies in Mexico, Spain, Latin America, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. For his achievements he has received three honoris Causa. And was elected President of the European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Society.
Elena Rodríguez Falcón
Previously, after short of a decade in the industry in Mexico, Professor Elena Rodriguez-Falcon moved to the UK where she founded the University of Sheffield Enterprise (USE); was Institutional Director of Learning – Inclusive Learning and Teaching; Director of Enterprise Education and Director of Women in Engineering, going on to become Director of Communications and External Relations for Engineering at The University of Sheffield, whilst holding a Chair in Enterprise and Engineering Education.
In 2018 Elena moved away from Sheffield becoming President & CEO of NMITE. Now heading up the most ambitious and radical disruptor in engineering higher education in the UK
Julio Frías Peña
Julio Frías Peña, is President of the Premio Nacional de Diseño: Diseña México (formerly the award Quorum), and founding member of the Mexican Council of Design. He has been a guest member of the Intersectoral Committee for Innovation of the Federal Government and Coordinator of the Postgraduate in Arts and Design from UNAM, an institution where he completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Communication.
He obtained his doctorate in the area of innovation from the Business School of the University of Nottingham, UK, his doctoral thesis was selected for the competition of the best UK PhD thesis. After his doctorate he received a scholarship from the Sloan School of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT. At Cambridge University he studied the topic of innovation in products and services as well. He completed a Master’s in Design at the Tama Art University in Japan, and performed a research internship at the University of Tokyo Art and Design. In 2015 he was recognized for a research internship at the Design Centre at Stanford University
In the professional field, he is a member of the Ibero-American Network of Researchers in Design, with headquarters in Madrid, member of the Scientific Committee of the International Society of Design Historians based in Barcelona and member of the International Learning Network on Sustainability with headquarters in Milan, Italy. He has been a member of the Japanese Graphic Designers Association, JAGDA, of the Institute of Design Management in Boston, and Vice President of the Association of Former Mexican fellows in Japan, where he was in charge of the education and research area.
He is currently a member of the National System of Researchers SIstema Nacional de Investogadores, SNI of CONACYT. He has given conferences in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, England and Japan. He has three published books, twelve book chapters and more than fifty refereed, indexed and popular articles.
At UNAM he has been a teacher and tutor for more than 25 years, 15 of these being at the postgraduate level in the Master’s and Ph.D. programs in Architecture, Industrial Design, Arts and Design, and the Master in Product Design and Development from Tecnológico de Monterrey, the institution where he was several times recognized as one of the best professors in the engineering division, architecture and design.
Ana Elena González Treviño
Ana Elena González-Treviño is Full professor and researcher in English Literature (Titular “C”) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has a B.A. in English, an M.A. in Comparative Literature from UNAM, and a PhD in English from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London. She has specialized in literary and cultural studies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, cultural history, translation and literary criticism. She has published forty academic articles and book chapters. She has coordinated four collective books of literary and translation studies, and a book as sole author. She has directed and taken part in several research projects funded by PAPIIT-DGAPA. She directs a digital humanities project, Imaginary Mexico based on imagology about the representation of Mexico in seventeenth and eighteenth-century print culture. She has supervised 39 BA, MA and PhD dissertations; she has and take part in 89 BA, 25 MA and 12 PhD adjudicating committees. She is a member of the Critical Theory Seminar and the Digital Humanities Seminar. She has published a book of original poetry. She is a member of the National Research System, SNI. She was head of the Modern Languages Department and is the director of the Centre for Mexican Studies, UNAM-UK.
Salvador Elías Venegas Andraca
Fundador de la MexSocUK
Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca is a scientist, consultant and entrepreneur devoted to scientific research, technology development, technology transfer and teaching. Professor Venegas-Andraca’s main professional goal is twofold: 1) to discover fundamental relationships between computer science and physics, and 2) to contribute towards the economic and development of modern society based on science, technology and technology transfer.
Lidia A. García González
Doctora en Comunicación y Estudios Culturales por la Nottingham Trent University, en el Reino Unido. Maestra en Medios y Globalización por la Nottingham Trent University, en el Reino Unido. Maestra en Comunicación de la Ciencia y la Cultura con especialidad en Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO), Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, México. Licenciada en Comunicación por la Universidad Iberoamericana Campus León, México. Certificada en Lengua Inglesa por The City and Guilds of London Institute, en el Reino Unido. Diplomada en idioma inglés por la Universidad de Guanajuato, México.
En el 2015, ganó el XVIII Premio Nacional de Comunicación “José Pagés Llergo”, México. De 2017 al 2018, fue la Coordinadora de la Maestría en Comunicación y Cultura Digital, Posgrado Nacional de Programas de Calidad (PNPC), CONACyT, en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México. De 2017 al 2019, en la misma universidad, fue profesora-investigadora dentro de la Maestría en Comunicación y Cultura Digital y la Licenciatura de Comunicación y Periodismo.
Colaboró en la creación del Doctorado de Ciencias Sociales, Complejidad e Interdisciplinariedad, en el Departamento de Investigación y Posgrado, en la Universidad Iberoamericana Campus León, México. Es miembro de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores en Comunicación (AMIC) y de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores en la Comunicación (ALAIC). Actualmente, realiza una estancia posdoctoral en la Maestría de Análisis Político, Posgrado Nacional de Programas de Calidad (PNPC), CONACyT, del Departamento de Estudios Políticos y Gobierno, adscrito a la División de Derecho, Política y Gobierno de la Universidad de Guanajuato, México, sobre “Movimientos feministas en México: Nuevos espacios y prácticas comunicativas del activismo en redes sociales de Internet”. Desde hace 16 años su área de especialización es: Cultura Digital, Movimientos Sociales e Internet. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), CONACyT, México.
Ernesto Schwartz Marin
I am a Science and Technology Studies scholar working in the fields of biomedicine, forensics and citizen science. I conduct in-depth ethnographic research of race & genomics and develop participatory action research models to intervene in humanitarian crises via DNA biobanking, grass-roots databases, and citizen-led science.
I am currently developing research on data justice, citizen-sensing and alternative approaches to scientific innovation in the Global South in spaces like Mexico, Colombia and Indonesia. My current research projects are Mobile Solutions Against the Mexican Kidnapping Epidemic (Newton Fund-ESRC 2016-19) and Data Justice in Mexico’s Multiveillant Society (ESRC Transformative 2018-20). My research has attracted vast public attention since Mexicans are currently dealing with more than 61,000 disappearances (according to the Mexican government) in a context characterised by the complicity of authorities and organised crime.
Eduardo Estala Rojas
Fundador y Director General del Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC).
Eduardo Estala Rojas es editor, escritor, periodista y consejero cultural mexicano. Director fundador del Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC), en el Reino Unido. Por su trabajo diplomático en los Estados Unidos, en el Reino Unido y en Europa, ha recibido reconocimientos en México de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), de la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID), de la Embajada de México en el Reino Unido, así como del Simposio de Estudios y Estudiantes Mexicanos en el Reino Unido. En el 2020, ganó el “Ambassador Award”, otorgado por la organización global “She Inspires Me Awards” (SIMA), en Londres, Inglaterra, “por su apoyo a los derechos de las mujeres y por el trabajo diplomático que realiza en la promoción de México en el Reino Unido”. Recibió la “Presea General Emiliano Zapata Salazar” al Mérito Migrante 2020, en la categoría Mérito Cultural y Educativo, que otorga el Congreso del Estado de Morelos, México.
Parte de su obra literaria y periodística ha sido traducida a varias lenguas: inglés, francés, portugués, alemán y árabe. En el 2014, coordinó y publicó el libro: “The Mexican Cultural Centre: 15 voces de la cultura mexicana, México-Estados Unidos-Reino Unido” (Reino Unido). En el 2015, como editor publicó el libro: “Lord Acton, surgimiento y caída del Imperio Mexicano”, presentación, traducción y notas de Adolfo Castañón (Reino Unido-México). Su obra literaria y periodística ha sido incluida y publicada en los libros: “Antología del Equinoccio” (México, 2007); “Adicción a los bajos efectos de la creación artística” (México, 2011); “Con-versatorias: entrevistas a poetas mexicanos nacidos en los 50” (México, 2013); “Estaciones bajo el volcán. Antología de la reciente poesía morelense” (México, 2013). “Artistario. Libro de la comunidad. Reunión 2016. Tomo I. Catálogo de artistas, promotores culturales y analistas de las artes en Morelos, México”, 2016.
El Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC) es el primer centro virtual sin fines de lucro, registrado en el Reino Unido, que promueve y difunde la cultura mexicana, en colaboración internacional con proyectos académicos, culturales y artísticos.
Premia la MexSoc UK a destacados mexicanos en el Reino Unido
Press-ReleasesLa Sociedad de Estudiantes Mexicanos en el Reino Unido (MexSoc UK, por sus siglas en inglés), entregó el “Premio Carlos Fuentes 2021” a las y los estudiantes mexicanos más sobresalientes, así como el “Premio de Trayectoria Profesional en el Reino Unido y México”, a distinguidos mexicanos que contribuyen en la relación binacional.
Para esta edición, ambos premios recibieron el apoyo de la Embajada de México en Londres y la Universidad de Nottingham, en el marco del evento académico más importante de mexicanos en el Reino Unido: XVIII Symposium of Mexican Studies and Students in the UK.
Para el “Premio Carlos Fuentes 2021”, los galardonados fueron: Cecilia Landa Ávila, Loughborough University (Ciencias químico-biológicas); Omar Loera González, University of Edinburgh (Ciencias Sociales); Azucena García Gutiérrez, Birkbeck, University of London (Humanidades y Artes); Oriana Landa Cansigno, University College London (STEM); asimismo, se entregaron menciones honorificas en STEM a Damián Arellanes, University of Manchester; Carlos Gómez Moreno, University of Nottingham.
Tanto los ganadores como los que recibieron mención honorifica, cuentan con publicaciones en revistas especializadas, reconocimientos durante sus estudios, además han estado involucrados en proyectos de investigación o creación de empresas en el Reino Unido y México, también han realizado contribuciones sociales y humanitarias, así como trayectorias exitosas después de sus estudios de posgrado en el Reino Unido.
El “Premio Carlos Fuentes” se fundó en el 2013 y se entrega a las y los estudiantes mexicanos más sobresalientes que se encuentran realizando estudios universitarios y/o de posgrado en universidades del Reino Unido y que están destacando en los ámbitos académico, social o cultural.
Finalmente, el Comité Organizador de la MexSoc UK, decidió entregar, por primera vez, el “Premio de Trayectoria Profesional en el Reino Unido y México”, a distinguidos mexicanos con una amplia trayectoria profesional en el Reino Unido y México, por ser una inspiración para las y los estudiantes mexicanos para hacer sus estudios en el extranjero y contribuir en la relación bilateral.
Los ganadores para este premio fueron: José Alejandro Madrigal Fernández (University College London, UK), Elena Rodríguez Falcón (New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering, UK), Julio Frías Peña (UNAM, México), Ana Elena González Treviño (UNAM,UK), Salvador Elías Venegas Andraca (ITESM, México), Lidia Angeles García González (Universidad de Guanajuato, México), Ernesto Schwartz Marín (University of Exeter, UK), Eduardo Estala Rojas (Mexican Cultural Centre (MCC), UK).
La premiación se realizará el 02 de julio a la 13:45 hora de Londres. Para más información: